Special Educational Needs And Disabilities (SEND)

At Tarbiyah Nurseries

Supporting Every Child's Unique Journey


At Tarbiyah we are committed to ensuring each child is included and supported at our setting. To do this to our full capability it is important to practice early identification and provide the support each child with SEND needs in order to develop academically.

At Tarbiyah we work to adhere to the EYFS framework to ensure each child receives the support they need. 

What is SEND in the EYFS?


SEND refers to any learning difficulties or disabilities that affect a child’s ability to learn and develop in the early years. It involves identifying and supporting children who need extra help to reach their full potential within a nursery or early years setting.

Role of the Nursery:

At our setting we use multiple assessments and tracking tools to keep up to date with our children’s developments. We use the Wellcomm
system to assess and track a child’s speech, cognition and learning development on a regular basis and ensure that children are getting the support needed to achieve their milestones. 

Children are also observed regularly by staff as well as the SenCo to ensure they have all the support they need to flourish in the right
environment and with the right tools and learning techniques.

For children with SEND, learning looks different on all fronts. We believe in following the child’s lead and adapting activities and sessions to be inclusive of all physical, emotional, social, mental, sensory, and cognitive adaptations. To ensure our children are getting all the support
they need we have adopted a multi-agency approach and work closely with other professionals, like speech & language therapists, and parents in order to help your child achieve their developmental milestones and get them ready for school. 

Our Approach to Supporting Children with SEND

Individualised education Plans:

At Tarbiyah, every child with additional needs have a tailored and personalised education plan in order to ensure they are able to reach their targets. These targets are set alongside parents and professionals to ensure that the child receives the same tailored strategies in all areas of their life. 

Inclusive Environment:

Our nursery works to adapt to each child’s needs whether they be physical, social, emotional etcetera. Staff have a child led approach and learning is tailored to ensure we follow what each child is communicating to us throughout the day. This can come in many different forms and so we use visuals on a daily basis to help all children communicate their wants and needs. The children also benefit from one-to-one sessions with the SenCo who works alongside your child’s key worker in order to ensure they have all the training need to care for your child. 

Partnership with Parents:

All parents are notified of their children’s daily activities through the Famly app and face to face handovers at the beginning and end of each day. We work together with parents to create the best environment for their child and incorporate the interests as well. We take on personalised approach to each child and family to ensure that we do what is best for both parents and children. The SenCo is also  available to parents to discuss their child’s needs at any point during the working day. 

Resources and Further Support

Helpful Links:

Manchester City Council SEND Resources:

Manchester Local Offer for SEND – An overview of support available in Manchester for children and young people with SEND. Please click here.

SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) – Free, confidential, and impartial information, advice, and support for parents
and carers. Please click here.

Early Help and Family Support – Services to support families, including those with children who have additional needs. Please click here.

National Resources:

SEND Code of Practice – Government guidelines on SEND. Please click here.

Contact – Support for families with disabled children. Please click here.

IPSEA (Independent Provider of Special Education Advice) – Legal advice for families regarding SEND.


Embracing diversity and fostering an inclusive environment for all children.


Committed to providing responsible and attentive care for your children.


Fostering a respectful and inclusive environment for all children.


Partnering with parents to support every child’s development.

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