Tarbiyah Academy

This club is for children from the ages of 4-12 years.

After School Club With Islamic Ethos

Our mission:

Tarbiyah Academies was created to provide the complete development and nurturing of children spiritually, mentally, emotionally and intellectually through an all-out Islamic after-school program. Building upon the deep wisdom behind the term “Tarbiyah” (literally means upbringing, education and moral development), we seek to give all our children an opportunity to flourish intellectually, spiritually & socially.

We are committed to:

Whole Child Development: Ensuring that our students have a balanced education where they are educated not only in the intellectual arts, but also what it means to be an ethical member of society.

Islamic Values-Instilling core Islamic principles and values that are central to the kind, honesty/calibre of individual you wish for your child’s (and newsflash It depends on personal development).

Top Grade Academics: Helping students to stay ahead of the class by providing tutoring and extending their school learning.

Community Engagement: Fostering a vibrant community and collective social concern by organizing service projects and programs that reflect the Prophetic tradition of aiding those in need.

Personal Development: Helping you to communicate, think and act better… helping students become self-disciplined, resilient leaders making wise choices throughout their lives.

Through treading the path of Tarbiyah, we aspire to help our pupils in finding lives rich with meaning and motivated by belief along with a life-long dedication towards learning & enhancing oneself.

Session timings:

Sessions run from Monday to Thursday from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm.




Embracing diversity and fostering an inclusive environment for all children.


Committed to providing responsible and attentive care for your children.


Fostering a respectful and inclusive environment for all children.


Partnering with parents to support every child’s development.

Start Today For A Brighter Future

Interactive, consistent and caring childcare